
How to convert Google Earth (.kmz) Waypoints to Lowrance(.usr) Format.

1. Create a new folder on your desktop and save your
Google KMZ file with all your marked waypoints.

2. Go to:

• Choose GPX as your output format.
• Browse for your google maps .kmz file.
• Leave everything as default
• Convert

3. Your .gpx file was created.
Download this .gpx file to your folder and change
the files name to something that works for you.

4. Go to:

• Input: scroll down and select GPX XML.
• Output: scroll down and select Lowrance USR.
• No - create zip file.
• Yes - output all types of data.
• Hit the “Convert the file” button.

5. Save the file to your folder. Copy your .usr file onto your SD  memory card and insert it into your FF.
• While on the chart screen select menu and scroll to waypoints.
• Select  load from card.
• Scroll over and down to select your .usr file and load. Waypoints will show up on your chart.

All done now go fish!


Written and created by


Michael Lavoie

Lowrance Pro-Staff

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